Ubuntu Mascots In Pictures

Ubuntu Mascots In Pictures- as we know, Ubuntu version has a code name in the form of "Adjective Animal" and initially, and know let's take a look at all Ubuntu Mascots from the warthog to  the quetzal :

Ubuntu Warty WARTHOG (4.10):

Ubuntu Warty WARTHOG (4.10)

Ubuntu Hoary HEDGEHOG (5.04):

Ubuntu Hoary HEDGEHOG (5.04)

Ubuntu Breezy BADGER (5.10):

Ubuntu Breezy BADGER (5.10)

Ubuntu Dapper DRAKE (6.06):

Ubuntu Dapper DRAKE (6.06)

Ubuntu Edgy EFT (6.10):

Ubuntu Edgy EFT (6.10)

Ubuntu Feisty FAWN (7.04):

Ubuntu Feisty FAWN (7.04)

Ubuntu Gutsy GIBBON (7.10):

Ubuntu Gutsy GIBBON (7.10)

Ubuntu Hardy HERON (8.04):

Ubuntu Hardy HERON (8.04)

Ubuntu Intrepid IBEX (8.10):

Ubuntu Intrepid IBEX (8.10)

Ubuntu Jaunty JACKALOPE (9.04):

Ubuntu Jaunty JACKALOPE (9.04)

Ubuntu Karmic KOALA (9.10):

Ubuntu Karmic KOALA (9.10)

Ubuntu Lucid LYNX (10.04):

Ubuntu Lucid LYNX (10.04)

Ubuntu Maverick MEERKAT (10.10):

Ubuntu Maverick MEERKAT (10.10)

Ubuntu Natty NARWHAL (11.04):

Ubuntu Natty NARWHAL (11.04)

Ubuntu Oneiric OCELOT (11.10):

Ubuntu Oneiric OCELOT (11.10)

Ubuntu Precise PANGOLIN (12.04):

Ubuntu Precise PANGOLIN (12.04)

Ubuntu Quantal QUETZAL (12.10):

Ubuntu Quantal QUETZAL (12.10)

Up next: Ubuntu 13.04 RR. Will it be called Rampant RABBIT? Or maybe Rowdy RHINO? We'll see. :P