How to sort the result from string_agg() / order by string_agg on oracle 10g

 Hi there now day i will share how to order by string_agg() result
and here it's the simple code :

select string_agg(prod,' | ') FROM
  (SELECT product as prod FROM tblproducts ORDER BY product )MAIN;

How to Copy a List of Files in a Windows Folder Into an Excel List

Ghostscript Batch file - execute and quit - gswin32c

Hi there i'm trying execute GhostScript on batch file

Problem is when first line is executed, it opens GhostScript window. i have to manually type quit or close the window to return the control to parent to execute the next command in batch.

To avoid Ghostscript opening a window, don't use gswin32.exe.
Use gswin32c.exe instead. (The c in the name is to indicate it's for console only...)

and this is the script

gswin32c -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=pdfresult.pdf pdf1.pdf pdf2.pdf pdf3.pdf