Basic tools
Gammu 1.33.0
Modem waveCOM M1306B
Let's Begin
Download waveCom M136B Driver hereDownload Gammu 1.33.0 here
How to Configure Gammu and wavecom
First, you need to make sure to connect modem and your computer properlyfind your modem port COM1,COM2,COM3 etc on Device Manager
Extract Gammu on what ever you want, in my case i placed gammu on drive C:\gammuif gammu does not work properly
find this file libiconv-2.dll and copy on C:\windows\system32
setting 2 file bellow gammurc for checking your phone connect properly with gammuand smsdrc for connecting gammu sms with mysql
[gammu]device = com3:
connection = at115200
use gammu --identify for checking connection
gammu --identify
it looks work good then
create user a password a database a on mysql using this file
[gammu]port = com3:
connection = at115200
service = mysql
logfile =smdlog
debuglevel = 0
PIN = 1234
user = a
password = a
pc = localhost
database = a
you need to use bellow command to install service uninstall start and stop
note : every single change on smsdrc file, you need to re-create service gammu (un install and install service)
gammu-smsd.exe -c smsdrc -i (install service)
gammu-smsd.exe -c smsdrc -u (uninstall service)
gammu-smsd.exe -c smsdrc -s (start service)
gammu-smsd.exe -c smsdrc -k (stop service)
Testing send sms
smsdrc sendsms TEXT 0878xxxxxxxx -text “smsok!"note : sometimes you can't send message because the number 0 and change it +62 depend on your country code
if you find error 500 on gammu
1.check the smsdrc file
2.recreate service
3.check the signal
4.check your debit
5.check the modem ( it can.t detect with out simcard) cant use smsdrc sendsms TEXT if the service is running (stop the service and run the command)
source :#