How to resert Admin’s Password APEX or HTMLD?

 How to resert Admin’s  Password APEX or HTMLD?
 How to resert Admin’s  Password APEX or HTMLD?  - hi this is something,
what you need when you forgot your admin APEX or HTMLDB password.
You have no idea even reset the  admin password.

i ll share "How to resert Admin’s  Password APEX or HTMLD" and i hope it's easy to guide you. . . . come on let following these. . . .

Here it's :

1. Connect sys as sysdba
sqlplus sys as sysdba
2. Collect the information of the FLOWS% schema
select username,password,account_status from dba_users where username like ‘FLOW%’;
----------------   ------------------   ----------------
FLOWS_030000       240C2BE199B3DB1F     LOCKED
3. Unlock the latest FLOWS% schema
alter user FLOWS_030000 account unlock;
4. Change the Password of FLOWS_030000
alter userFLOWS_030000 identified by mypass
conn FLOWS_030000/mypass
5. Create user in Internal Workspace
 wwv_flow_api.set_security_group_id(p_security_group_id => 10);
 (p_user_name => ‘adminq’
 ,p_email_address => ‘’
 ,p_web_password => ‘adminq’
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Commit complete.
6. Open the applications, and Login to Internal Workspace with your new user :
Login :
- Workspace : Internal
- Username : adminq
- password : adminq